Monday, February 25, 2008

Pourquoi les oignons?

If, upon waking, the apartment smells like onions, or whatever your roommate ate for dinner last night, and that smell irks you, and makes you feel unhappy, you should vanquish all worries, turn on the coffee percolator as usual, and take out the trash yourself. Your roommate has many perverse faculties of the senses which make it impossible for her to know how she impedes the good air with her processed casseroles and herbed sausage. The day goes on as you consider all that is still favorable.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hard Review.

Your friends, you know, who are sweating and drunk, in the corner of some cavernous Lower East Side beer hall, will all be talking together, perhaps at some point, about you, and the same will be true when you die; they’ll be together again, in some cavernous Lower East Side funeral home, deciding what your life—that unfair task, that series of unpaid internships—meant. And what it will amount to is what it meant to them. That will be your life, when someone says, “Oh, she was so ______________”

Sunday, February 03, 2008


1. we need phantasy
2. we need philosophy
3. we need the phuture
4. we need to eat breakfast earlier than 4 pm
5. we need to throw away the stuff in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator because it was orange when we bought it but it's now green